Landing on a comet! The Rosetta project.

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The good teaching practice at a glance

Subject of practice


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Educational level

Secondary Education

Short Summary

Educational scenario based on the latest news of Rosetta’s expedition. How students can learn through  the great achievements of European Space Agency (ESA). Rosetta’s travel in space and the landing of Philae on comet 67P give us the opportunity to learn Newton’s Laws and to find as real researchers the acceleration of gravity of  the comet. The scenario is  finalized using  various ICT tools.


Duration of the implementation

2015-07-07 05:15:00 - 2015-07-07 05:15:00

Difficulty of ICT solutions used


Detailed description

Age of learners

15 - 20

Learning outcomes

We try to implement new ideas and good practices in the science’s school curriculum in secondary education using inquiring based learning.

Detailed description

The scenario belongs to Inquiring based learning. Students: working  into teams, learn to cooperate. Searching on the web, learn to find the necessary  info. Understand  Newton’s Laws and corresponding equations of motion. —Playing and learning through ICT tools: Interaction Physics, Scratch application, Craters simulator, Trajectory web-tool (all freeware). Approach the same problem from different views. —Working  as a researcher, testing parameters, exploring different aspects of the problem and find specific value of the acceleration of gravity that is very near to the real value according to references.

Learning Activities / Implementation

  • Intoduction to the project using various videos and resources from ESA's site.
  • Learning Newton's laws, ICT tool: the Tracker software.
  • Searching on the web the desired data for our problem.
  • Working on the class: Solving corresponding equations of motion for the free fall of Philae, finding g (acceleration of gravity)
  • Working on the lab, ICT tool: Interactive Physics, finding  g using another method.
  • What is the impact of comet on earth? Working with ICT tool: crater simulator
  • What is the orbit of a comet? ICT tool: comet trajectory.

Resources used to realise the practice
Infrastructures/material resources
Country of originGreece
Language of the practiceEnglish
Website related
Status of the practiceFinal
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Area of good practice
  • ICT enabled learning - Using digital resources for face-to-face classroom practice & for online learning/blended classroom practice
This practice is
Transferable, Innovative, Acceptability, Availability, Creativity, Collaborative

About the author

Name of contributorMaria Eleftheriou
Affiliation of contributor Secondary teacher
Institution where this practice was implementedLyceum of Tzermiadon