Prediction of e-learners’ progress and timely assessment of the achievement of learning outcomes in Lifelong Learning

die Berater is a private company founded in 1998 and employs around 500 members of staff who work in more than 50 locations all over Austria in the following fields:

  • Education and training
  • Coaching and counselling
  • Consultancy
  • Outplacement
  • EU projects

die Berater offer educational seminars and training courses for individuals, organisations, and enterprises from soft skills to languages and information technologies. Their main aims are to motivate and qualify customers to make full use of their potentials in the economy, at the labour market and in their personal lives.
Around 23.000 people participate in die Berater’s programmes per year- many of them in job orientation and vocational qualification programmes delivered for the Austrian labour market service. Contents and methodologies, including blended learning, are tailor-made according to the needs of customers.
In die Berater’s corporate culture fair play, respect tolerance and social responsibility are central values.

Through participation in around 50 transnational projects as project coordinator, partner, evaluator and disseminator in the past seven years, die Berater® can make use of a large distribution network of Austrian and European education institution. They can spread project-related information to more than 2500 direct contacts in Europe, among them many political and administrative decision makers. Moreover, they are involved in several European networks which can be sued as multipliers of information:

  • Infonet: European information service for adult education
  • GINCO: European network of Grundtvig course organisers
  • E-NLL: European network for learning of elderly people
  • ENTER: European dissemination network
  • EURORESO: European network for dissemination
  • City Learning Net: Informal network of European learning communities
  • Eden: European Distance Education Network

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Computer Technology Institute and Press 'Diophantus' Hellecin Open University die Berater® UnternehmensberatungsGmbH Noema-CMI Soros International House Swedish TelePedagogic Knowledge Centre Arbeit und Bildung e.V.