Prediction of e-learners’ progress and timely assessment of the achievement of learning outcomes in Lifelong Learning

Work Packages

WP1: Project Management WP Leader: CTI

The aim of this WP is to secure the smooth and planned implementation of the project in administrative and technical terms as well as to achieve an efficient and productive collaboration and communication of the partnership.

WP2: Comparative analysis of assessment methods in eLearning


WP Leader: HOU

The aim of WP 2 is to survey and study the different assessment methods used in e-learning environments around Europe. the results of this survey will be used to define the most widely used assessment practices and to help the partners improve the practices they currently apply.

WP3: Pedagogical methods’ Study – Selection of data from learning process WP Leader: Die Berater

The aim of WP 3 is the selection of the appropriate pedagogical framework based on participated regions’ needs. The main aim of this WP is the finding of specific indicators that help to assessment methods. The research about pedagogical practice will provide information about:  effectiveness factors of teaching, tutors’ best practices regarding heterogeneous groups centre on attitudes (i.e. culturally different in behavior etc.), etc.

WP4: Development of CRITON platform


WP Leader: CTI

The major aim of WP 4 is the development of a web based application which will integrate a predictive system for learners’ progress and final performance and it will facilitate the communication between learner and tutor for the assessment of learning process. Moreover, it will integrate a social networking tool which will assist the learners to exchange opinions, share knowledge and communicate better.

WP5: Pilot testing and training WP Leader: NOEMA

The aim of this WP is to pilot test and evaluate the produced CRITON platform. The pilot will allow for testing to take place in a controlled environment with a small subset of the final users.  The pilot users will evaluate the CRITON platform in term of functionality and in term of technical sufficiency.

WP6: Dissemination and Promotion


WP Leader: SIH

The aim of this WP is to promote and disseminate the produced results and outcomes of the project widely and effectively to all potential beneficiaries. Thus, the adopted Promotion and Dissemination process will take place at all levels and at all stages of CRITON lifecycle.

WP7: Exploitation of CRITON results


WP Leader: STPKC

The goal of this WP is to highlight the potential for further exploitation of the outcomes of the project. All activities undertaken to this end will use the findings of the project as material for the widest possible promotion feeding into potential stakeholders: Ministries of education, Local governments, Educational Networks, Association of Adult Education, and Pedagogic Associations.

WP8: Quality assurance


WP Leader: AuB

This WP aims at ensuring that the produced results, outputs and deliverables of the project will be of an appropriate scientifically and technically, according to standards agreed by the partnership.

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Computer Technology Institute and Press 'Diophantus' Hellecin Open University die Berater® UnternehmensberatungsGmbH Noema-CMI Soros International House Swedish TelePedagogic Knowledge Centre Arbeit und Bildung e.V.