Prediction of e-learners’ progress and timely assessment of the achievement of learning outcomes in Lifelong Learning

Annual further education event from Arbeit und Bildung e.V. on September 10, 2014.

Christian Hendrichs, staff of the CRITON project – a transnational cooperation project to enhance the learning process in distance education systems and e-learning, lead the workshop “Prediction of e-learners’ progress through the example of the CRITON the annual further education event from Arbeit und Bildung e.V. in Rauischholzhausen on September 10, 2014.

Main focus of the workshop was the further introduction of the CRITON platform which has been developed within the framework of the CRITON project. The colleagues showed great interest in exploring whether and to what extent the platform would be usable within the institution.

As Arbeit und Bildung e.V. currently offers only a very small amount of e-learning courses the main interest of the participants was on how this platform would also apply to other courses.

A lively discussion was triggered if such a prediction system could really support students/participants who have rather poor chances of passing the course and whether the provided indicators are sufficient for an accurate prediction.

The majority of the colleagues were in agreement that the platform with its currently used indicators could rather serve as confirmation of the teacher’s personal assessment than provide new findings.

Nevertheless, the teachers and educators who participated in the workshop drew a positive conclusion and would be willing to use the platform regularly if the indicators would be adjusted to fit the target group of AuB. They especially liked that it’s possible for teachers and students to communicate via the platform and that teachers could provide extra learning material this way.

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